How Do I Get Things Done
Almost everyone knows GTD. It is the acronym of "Getting Things Done" which is a productivity framework introduced by David Allen in his book "Getting Things Done (2002) - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity".
The key reason to have a such framework is that our mind is great at creating stuff, but it's terrible at tracking it. And yet there's a good chance you're tracking tons of stuff in your head right now. Stuff that drains your energy and clogs your creativity.
I became a GTD user during a period in which I was so full of things to do that I couldn't work well. Just keeping the task list in mind completely occupied my brain and I could no longer concentrate on the task in progress.
I GTD love it since it keeps track of my tasks and allows me to focus on each one of them individually. Also, it allows me to work on several workstreams (or projects) during the same period (e.g. a quarter).